Announcing 24 hr Uber strike on Wednesday 20th July 20 2022. Public demo outside Uber HQ in London at 12pm.
24 hour national Uber strike & demo
The ADCU has called a national strike for all Uber drivers between 00:01 and 23:59 on Wednesday 20th July 2022.
We are demanding:
Increase in pay to £2.50 per mile / £0.20 per minute with 15% commission
Uber obey the Supreme Court ruling
Justice for COT3 victims - all Uber drivers should get all back pay owed
End Uber political corruption - accountability for #UberFiles
We expect all members to not log in to the Uber app at ANY TIME during July 20
Attend London demo at 12 - 2pm Aldgate Towers, E1 8FA if at all possible. If you are travelling from outside London and need assistance please email us at
Spread the word and remind drivers not to log in
We need marshals throughout the day on July 20. If you can help marshal please email us at to volunteer.
Help us spread the message by clicking on the button below to share on WhatsApp.